Want to know the perfect self care items to use at work? Here are 7 affordable things you can use to make yourself more comfortable on your next work day.

self care items

There’s no denying that certain products can improve the quality of your work days. But social media is full of ads for pricey self care items that make almost no meaningful impact on your physical or mental health.

As employees with anticapitalist values, we understand how things like a luxurious candle from your favorite self care brand can be comforting after a long day at work. We also believe that we don’t have to spend tons of money on spa products to relax and be well. In fact, some of the most transformative self care practices have nothing to do with items you can buy.

In this post, we’ll list our favorite wellness items that have helped us survive work days with more comfort and ease. As you will learn, products don’t have to break the bank to lift your spirits.

This post is all about 7 low cost self care items to boost your mood on work days.



Affirmation Poster

Water Bottle With Time Markers

Self Care Playlist

Portable Sleep Kit

Self Care Journal

Time Off Calendar

Essential Oil Blend


1. Affirmation Poster

Mindfulness is a simple way to reduce stress, lower anxiety, and minimize symptoms of depression on days when you have to work. Meditating for as little as 20 minutes per day has been proven to make a measurable difference in your brain.

Affirmation posters are ideal self care items for adults who want to start or deepen their mindfulness practice. An affirmation poster is just what it sounds like: a poster displaying positive affirmations that help challenge negative thoughts. If you google “affirmation poster” you will find tons of free and low-cost printable posters with all types of positive affirmations. You can also make your own in Word or Canva.

Once you have your poster, hang it in your work space. You can use it to guide your mid-day mindfulness practice or reference it during the day for an instant boost of confidence.

[RELATED POST: 10 Easy Things to Do for Self Care on Your Next Work Day]

2. Water Bottle With Time Markers

Hydration is one of the easiest ways to care for yourself on work days. Experts say that drinking water reduces your risk of depression and anxiety. Staying hydrated can also elevate your mood by helping you feel happier and calmer. 

That’s why water bottles with time markers are excellent self care items for students, working people, and anyone else with a busy schedule. They help you track your hydration by measuring how much of the bottle you should drink by certain times.

And like each product on this self care items list, you can buy your bottle pre-made or make your own.

3. Self Care Playlist

Music can lower your stress levels, increase your mood, and help you develop a positive outlook on life. It can also give you motivation and inspiration during a long day at work.

If you’re looking for free and unique self care items, consider making yourself a mix of relaxing and upbeat songs. Or you can check your favorite music app for a lo-fi or coffeeshop playlist.

4. Portable Sleep Kit

Rest is our favorite form of wellness. Just a small amount of sleep can increase your alertness, mood, and memory. A mid-day nap is also an excellent way to resist grind culture and hyper-productivity during your workday.

[RELATED POST: What Is Grind Culture? | 5 Surprising Reasons You’re Burnt Out]

A sleep kit is just a fancy name for a collection of self care items that would help you have a restful nap. Simply gather your favorite comfort objects like a pillow, blanket, and sleep mask, and find a cozy place to rest on your lunch break.

5. Self Care Journal

Journaling is a powerful tool for wellness and mental health. Expressing your thoughts on paper can help you relieve stress, form healthy habits, and regulate your mental state.  

A journal is one of our favorite products for caring for ourselves in the workplace. You can use your journal to store positive affirmations and daily self care checklists. Writing can also help you plan career moves or fantasize about your dream life.

Any notebook can become a journal. But the more attractive your journal is, the more you’ll want to use it. So try to choose one with an aesthetically-pleasing cover, or decorate one yourself.

6. Time Off Calendar

If you want to take care of yourself, you HAVE to prioritize your time off work. Experts believe that taking regular mental health days can help workers avoid burnout, develop work life balance, and maintain their sense of self.

A calendar can help you plan and track your days off. If you already use a physical or digital calendar, you can simply add the days you plan to take off work. If not, you can buy or make one specifically for scheduling wellness activities and rest days.

7. Essential Oil Blend

This wouldn’t be a self care items list without including essential oils. Essential oils can help you manage stress, improve sleep, and even heal certain infections. They can also be used to treat mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

If you’re interested in aromatherapy, be sure to buy quality oils from an ethical self care brand. And if you want to reduce costs, skip the diffuser. There are many other ways to use essential oils, including adding a drop or two to a cotton ball.

This post was all about free or low-cost self care items to increase your wellbeing at work.

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