Looking for powerful daily affirmations to help you set better boundaries? This post will give you 10 phrases to boost your confidence and help you speak up for yourself at work.

powerful daily affirmations

If you’re a frequent flyer on the wellness side of the internet, you know the importance of boundaries. Healthy boundaries help us build and maintain functional relationships and mental peace. They also help us focus our energy on the things and people that add the most value to our lives.

But most of us aren’t used to advocating for ourselves, so setting boundaries can feel scary and uncomfortable. Speaking up for ourselves can be even more difficult at work, where we’re conditioned to think our bosses hold all the power.

What if we told you that short powerful daily affirmations could help you set boundaries without fear?

Keep reading to learn how powerful daily affirmations can give you the confidence to create your best work life. 


Most of us have a hard time setting boundaries at work. We can blame grind culture for that.

You probably have weak boundaries if you’ve ever worked overtime without getting paid extra. Or maybe you’ve accepted a new project when you had a full workload.

Regardless of the ways your weak boundaries show up, mindful affirmations will likely help. They are scientifically proven to rewire your brain. And constantly focusing on healthy thoughts can transform your actions so that you can create your dream life.

Powerful affirmations for success can improve your work life by helping you achieve a better work life balance. Focusing on just 10 affirmations to start the day can give you the confidence to create the work life you’ve always wanted.


Now that you know how affirmations for self esteem can help you create your ideal career, let’s dive into our all-time favorite list of positive affirmations for self-advocacy.

1. I set boundaries at work so I can be my best self in all areas of my life. My boundaries are a form of self care.

If you want to set boundaries confidently, you need a clear understanding of why boundaries are important. For example, most workplaces don’t make it easy to have a work life balance. So you need to have a clear motivation for protecting your personal time.

This positive affirmation reminds you why it’s important to set boundaries and look out for your wellbeing at work.

RELATED: Tips for Work Life Balance When Your Boss Is Overbearing

2. I deserve time for meaningful hobbies, relationships, and rest. Setting boundaries at work protects my personal time. 

This affirmation helps you visualize what your life can look like when you protect your personal time. It’s an invitation to daydream. Enjoy the view!

3. I give myself permission to set boundaries that make me feel safe and comfortable at work.

This is one of the most powerful affirmations for healing if you’re scared of disappointing other people. We promote a healthy relationship with boundaries when we give ourselves permission to prioritize our own comfort and wellbeing.

4. It is healthy to say no to new work when my workload is already full.

People who have a hard time saying no often accept more work than they can handle comfortably. This typically leads to burnout and being taken advantage of at work.

That’s why this is one of the most powerful daily affirmations for success in the workplace if you’re a (recovering) people pleaser.

5. It is responsible to ask for help.

Working within your official work hours, and no more, is one of the most important ways to avoid burnout throughout your career. 

This affirmation is a powerful reminder to ask for help, not let your job intrude on your personal time, when you have too much on your plate.

RELATED: Avoid Burnout With These Examples of REAL Self Care

6. It is healthy to take breaks throughout the workday. I deserve time to completely unplug.

Taking uninterrupted breaks is one of the easiest things you can do for self care on workdays. Research shows that taking breaks can improve your overall wellbeing and even increase productivity.

But it’s easy to neglect your mental and physical needs during the workday, especially when you’re focused on an important project or a time-sensitive task.

Adding this to your list of positive affirmations to say everyday can help you remember to stop and clear your mind in between work sessions.

7. I communicate my boundaries clearly and often.

This is one of the most powerful daily affirmations on this (or any other) list. 

Setting boundaries at work is helpful. But the real benefits come when you tell your colleagues about your boundaries and remind people when they cross them.

Saying this affirmation daily will help give you the confidence to speak up for yourself as often as you need to.

8. It is ok if my coworkers don’t agree with my boundaries. I will set them anyway.

Everyone has different boundaries, so your colleagues might not understand yours. They’re probably not used to people prioritizing themselves. So they might not understand when you set boundaries that protect your work life balance. 

This affirmation will help you prepare for any pushback you might get.

9. It is ok to feel guilty when I set and enforce boundaries. I will do it anyway.

It’s common to let guilt keep you from speaking up for yourself.

This is one of the most powerful daily affirmations for anxiety related to setting and maintaining boundaries. 

10. I confidently set boundaries that work for me.

We put this one last, but it’s definitely not the least. If you’re making a list affirmations for boundary setting, make sure you include this one.

This post was all about powerful daily affirmations that will help you set boundaries with confidence.

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