Looking for ways to resist grind culture? In this post, we give you 7 powerful affirmations for work to help you protect yourself from burnout.

affirmations for work


How Affirmations for Work Help Prevent Burnout

How to Use Affirmations for Best Results

7 Affirmations for Work to Help You Avoid Burnout

How Affirmations for Work Help Prevent Burnout 

Grind culture is everywhere. We’re constantly bombarded with messages that tell us to dream bigger and go harder to reach goals. In TV and movies, there’s always “that girl” who makes big sacrifices to achieve the perfect life. We see the same thing in books and music. And it’s even hard to scroll TikTok without being dragged by a “6 am Morning Routine” from a millionaire influencer.

In the workplace, grind culture is just another capitalistic norm that convinces us to overwork ourselves. Employees are constantly expected to produce at sub-human speeds, give up late nights and weekends, and accept inequitable pay. This often leads to overwork, exhaustion, and ultimately burnout. And unfortunately, grind culture is like smog: we are exposed to it just by reporting to work.

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The good news is that we can resist grind culture at work by setting and enforcing healthy workplace boundaries. Affirmations help us maintain a healthy work life balance by refocusing our minds on our wellbeing. These affirmations for work days remind us that we are human beings, not cogs in the capitalist machine. They can also help us build the courage and mindsets that are necessary to set healthy working habits. 

How to Use Affirmations for Best Results

There’s no “right way” to use affirmations. The most important thing is that you use affirmations in ways that feel natural to you. Many people like to add them to their daily routines. Other people only use them during more challenging or stressful moments. 

If you have no clue where to start or you’re looking for some fresh ideas, here are easy ways to add affirmations for work into your daily life: 

– To review them, say them out loud, write them in a notebook, or read them 2-3 times each. You can also record yourself saying them, and listen to the recording 2-3 times.

– Review them before you start your work day to prepare your mind for work.

– Review them after work to combat negative thoughts about your work day. 

– Post them on the mirror in your bathroom. 

– Post them in a visible place at your desk or work station.

– Set a reminder to review them during lunchtime to help you reset mid-day.

– Review them before a potentially challenging conversation (like one where you ask for time off).

7 Affirmations for work To Help You Avoid Burnout

Now that you know how to use the affirmations, here are 7 affirmations for work that can encourage you to set healthy boundaries and avoid burnout:

1. I set healthy boundaries at work to protect my mind, body, and spirit.

2. It is responsible to say no when I do not have the capacity to say yes.

3. Setting boundaries gives me time to do my best work.

4. It is ok if my boundaries make other people upset.

5. I have important things in my life, outside of work, that deserve my attention.

6. I am responsible for finding a healthy work-life balance.

7. It is responsible to ask for help.

This post was all about affirmations for work days that can help you avoid burnout.

Affirmations are simple, effective tools that help you preserve your mental, physical, and emotional health in the workplace. Practice adding these workplace affirmations to your daily routine to help you set boundaries at work. You deserve it!

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